Friday, October 30, 2009


Someone finally ran Polonius through. With a sword. There has been a lot of panicking among the royalty and their servants after the murder, as it happened in the queen's bedroom. Frankly, I was suprised something like this didn't happen sooner to Polonius. Ever since his friend Claudius ascended to the monarchy, Polonius has been at his heel like a hungry dog begging for scraps. I am sure this infuriated some of the other nobles who wanted the king's favor. I cannot say that I am sad Polonius is dead; he had a habit of manipulating people to get what he wanted, and was hard on Ophelia. I heard that Laertes is returning from France to find out what happened to his father and to check up on his sister. I wonder how Ophelia is dealing with her father's death.

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