Saturday, October 31, 2009


Things at Elsinore have been so crazy for the last few days, I'm suprised someone didn't go nuts sooner. Ever since her father was killed, Ophelia has been babbling and singing--badly. When the queen and king saw her, they seemed shocked, almost as if her lunacy was worse than Polonius being killed. After she put on a pitiable show for the king and queen, she ran off through the halls of the castle, and the king told me to look after her. Unfortunately for me, this involved sprinting after her for several minutes, with Ophelia ending up back with the king anyway, or so I was told. I gave up the chase after a while; it seemed like her insanity had given her extra speed. I heard that Ophelia drowned in a river after she met with Laertes. I can't imagine how Laertes must feel, having to experience the destruction of his family in the space of a couple of days.

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