Sunday, October 25, 2009

Met with Hamlet

Hamlet has seemed out of sorts ever since I came back from Wittenburg to visit Elsinore. I talked to him the day after I saw the ghost, and he seemed in a strangely accusatory mood. When I said that I had come to observe the funeral of his father, he said that I was here to see his mother's marriage (which was true, but still, it was a little hurtful that he would jump to that conclusion). When I told Hamlet about my sighting of his father the night before, he was very eager to see the ghost, so that night he, Marcellus, Bernardo and I all went out of the castle to try and find the ghost. It did not take long for the ghost to show up, nor did it take long for Hamlet to go running off after it. We followed him into the forest around Elsinore, but we lost track of him, and by the time we found him he was freaking out. He kept brandishing his sword at us and telling us to swear on it, along with a voice under the ground. Eventually we did what they wanted, just to get them to shut up. It was a pretty eventful day, all things considered.

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